Higini Arau, PhD. Physic Sciences by the Barcelona University with the qualification of "EXCELLENT CUM LAUDE"..

Societies that belongs
  • Member of the Sociedad Española de Acústica SEA(member of the board of directors) since 1971.
  • Member since 2013, and associate member since 1976 of the Acoustical Society of America ASA
  • Firm member of the National Council of Acoustical Consultants desde 2013.
  • Member of the European Acoustics Association EAA since 2000.


He is external profesor of Masters of Acustic in the Universitat Ramón Llull (La Salle) de Barcelona, UEM Europea Universidad Madrid, UN Navarra Universidad, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya UIC, etc, and performed master classes in several Universities and Tecnological Centers of Spain..

Research and design awards
  • Obtained the Accésit of ResearchJUAN VIGON Patronado del Instituto Nacional de Técnicas Aerospaciales "Esteban Terradas"(1980 / 1981).
  • Award Rehabitec 1996 by the Teatro Metropol.
  • Award of Architecture FAD 2000. Mención Especial en reconocimiento a su colaboración en numerosas obras de arquitectura realizadas en España a lo largo de los últimos años.
  • Award Construmat 2001 by Instituto del Teatro.
  • ilver Certificate of the Acoustical Society of America, ASA.
  • Diploma of “du Reconhecimiento de Sociedad Portugesa de Acústica”.
  • Award "Auszeichnung gutes Bauen 2006-2010", Suiza, por el Tonhalle de St. Gallen.
  • Merit Partner Title in recognition of his work in the development and progress of Acoustics and SEA. Prize awarded by the Spanish Acoustic Society in celebration of its 50 years (1969-2019).
  • ACUSTI.CAT 2020 Award in recognition of his professional career. Awarded at the Acusticat Congress held in 2020.

Main scientific publications
  • An improved Reverberation Formula (#)(1988). Acustica (Hirzel Verlag)Vol 65 nº4, 163-180.
  • Variation of the Reverberation Time of places of public assembly with audience size (1997). Building Acoustics, Volume 4 nº 2.
  • General theory of the energy relations in halls with asymmetrical absorption (1999). Building Acoustics vol 5 nº3.
  • Increasing the Acoustic Volume of Performance Spaces without Altering the Internal Dimensions. Acta Acustica united Acustica, Vol 98 (2012) 309-316.
  • The Refurbishment of Orchestra of Rehearsal Room of Great Theater of Liceu, Journal Building Acoustics, Vol 19, number 1, 2012.
  • The Refurbishment of Tonhalle St.Gallen. Journal Building Acoustics, Vol 19, number 3, 2012.
  • Sound Pressure Levels in Rooms: A Study of Steady State Intensity, Total Sound Level, Reverberation Distance, New Discussion of Steady Intensity, and the other Experimental Formulae. Journal Building Acoustics, Vol 19, number 3, 2012.

Books Published
ABC of Acoustics. 1999.
I. The noise, vibration and acoustic criteria in the building. 2018

"The noise, the vibration and the acoustic criterion in the building" is the Volume I of the Acoustics directed to students and professionals of Architecture, Physics, Engineering or of other disciplines interested in theoretical and practical knowledge of Acoustics.

It analyzes the basic concepts of the undulatory phenomena of noise and vibration as well as its relationship with the human being.

Physical laws that regulate acoustic insulation, impact noise and acoustic absorption in buildings and in the urban environment. 2018

Tomo II

In volume II, the concepts and practice of calculating the laws that cover the acoustic isolation of noise, its application to buildings and the urban environment are issued. At the end of the book three practical examples made as acoustic consultant are exposed.

III. The physical laws that regulate the acoustic conditioning of rooms and their experimental analysis at the end of their construction. 2021

Basic concepts of Acoustics and laws of recent research carried out by Higini Arau are issued, as well as their comparison with previous laws, highlighting calculations of the reverberation time with Non-Uniform distribution of a room..

Chairman & professor Invited

He has been Chairman and co-Chairman in many national and international congresses and invited professor in most of the congresses since 2000, like INTERNOISE, FIA, SEA, Acoustics Institute ICA and ISRA.